Uddannet lærer, autodidakt ravnørd, foredragsholder, forfatter og formand for Den Danske Ravklub
Lavet af Anders Leth Damgaard, Flemming Christensen,Henrik Drivsholm og TV Midt / Vest
This may sound like pure science-fiction. But it's reality. There is a material offering a look back in time, and enabling you to see moments that happened millions of years ago.
Amber found on the shores and in the ground in the northern part of Europe didn't originate here. It ended up here after a million–year journey.
Amber-Anders shows you some very interesting inclusions in amber.
Can we CT scan amber?
If we can, what will it then tell us?
Amber-Anders explains, how far you can go back in time with different types of amber from all over the world.
Amber-Anders demonstrates how the resintrap worked millions of years ago and how it turned into amber.